Summer #2021...Inspiration

Finally, my first bog post! I love to write, so I’m not sure what took me so long to add a blog post. So, why today? What inspired me to finally start? My gardens in Cape Cod! Every year I’m in awe of the transformation from June until now. Everything, and I mean everything is at its peak. Early in the season, I see the gardens with a critical eye…look how many holes there are that need new plants, this plant didn’t survive the winter, this plant is in the wrong spot, this plant is too big/small, along with a multitude of other criticisms. But, today I had my phone with me as I went out to the new vegetable garden to survey the crops, and there it was. My garden in all its glory was magical! Every daylily was speaking. “Hey, look at me, I’m over here, the really tall orange guy. What about me? I may be smaller but check out my vibrant red. Wait a minute, we may only be a pale peach, but we’ve been here the longest.” The tickseed and brown-eyed Susans were competing for the sun and my attention. Lace cap hydrangeas were over my head yet only slightly smaller than the purple butterfly bushes. My fragrant lavender was playing in a spectacular trio with the white mop head Annabells and the blue cranesbill. The sound was deafening yet surprisingly quiet as each species nodded my way. For the first time in a very long time, I was seeing my gardens through the eyes of a new guest. And they were spectacular! Now I know why each visitor is entranced and expresses seemingly endless ooooo’s and ahhhhhh’s. I started taking pictures. For the next hour, I was in the moment, just me and a myriad of vibrancy capturing nature’s vignettes through the camera lens.

What does all this have to do with me, my art and my jewelry? Cape Cod, specifically Woods Hole, my gardens and my beach are what makes me…me. This is where I find my inspiration, reset my emotions and literally draw my life blood. I’ve laughed here, cried here, found solace, healed heartache, loved my family, welcomed new friends and old, seen everything through a grandchild’s eyes and embraced solitude.

If you know me, you know I carry this place deep in my soul. And, if you don’t know me yet, I hope you’ll see glimpses of my love for Cape Cod in every piece I create.

Renee Adams